Junior Fair Livestock Sale
The Warren County Fairgrounds

Junior Fair
Livestock Sale
Each year at the conclusion of the Fair week, we host a Junior Fair Sale to allow over 300 youth from our county to sell market livestock. Local businesses and generous supporters make the sale possible and raise funds for future projects, education, and to further evolve the Warren County 4-H programs.

Buyer Guidelines
We strongly encourage buyers to complete their buyer registration online prior to the sale. This will decrease the amount of time standing in line on Sale day and encourage distancing within the sale office.
Payments can be made after purchase at the sale. If your business needs invoiced please make prior arrangements.
Processors have been secured for all major livestock in the Sale, but processing slots have been limited due to the disruption in the supply chain throughout the pandemic. We encourage you to bid early on both pork and beef to ensure your choice of processor.
You will receive a Buyer Pass that admits two buyers to the 2024 Warren County Fair on Thursday, July 18th, and Saturday, July 20th. Please mark the sale dates on your calendar! You are also invited to the annual Appreciation Breakfast to be held 8 – 10 AM in the Event Center prior to the Saturday Sale.
The Sale Office will open Thursday at 4:30 PM in the JFB Office/Bldg. D. Saturday morning, buyer information will be available at 9 AM in the office next to Bldg. E. If you wish to make a Sale add-on, it must be done by Wednesday, July 24th .
Again this year, the Sale Committee is partnering with Warren County Farm Bureau & Shared Harvest Foodbank to present “Feed a Neighbor, Support Our Future.” This program allows buyers to support our 4H livestock exhibitors by buying a hog and donating this purchase to Shared Harvest which serves seven food banks in our county. This program will be limited to 60 market hog purchases this year.
Thanks again for your support of Warren County’s young people.
If you have questions regarding the Jr. Fair Livestock Sale, please call the Sale Committee at (513) 932-2636. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Warren County Fair!